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School Administrator's Checklist for Student Success

Print this out & make it your goal to check off every one of these!

  • Our team prioritizes students’ concerns and has a council or student representatives who we consult for advice

  • Our team provides students with the course work

  • Our team prioritizes creating a positive learning environment and has abolished class rank

  • Our team has sent the message to all students that their mental health is our #1 concern

  • Our team has limited the courses factored into GPA (grade point average) to core classes (i.e. only a social studies, english, science, math, and foreign language course count towards GPA)

  • Our team has made P.E. (physical education) mandatory for at least 2 or 3 years of high school

Let me explain this one a little more. Students don’t exactly want P.E., but I’ve noticed that since my school only requires one year of P.E., students tend to gain weight after freshman year because we just won’t exercise by ourselves. More years of mandatory P.E. just keeps us healthier. Of course, Athletics or Marching Band should be considered P.E. equivalents.

  • (If applicable) Our team has capped the number of AP (Advanced Placement) classes students can take each year to a maximum of 4 or 5

  • (If applicable) Our team has expanded the number of AP (Advanced Placement) classes available for students to take to 10 or more

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